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CMC Microsystems

CMC Microsystems

Peter A. Stokes, Director, CFI Projects,

Phone: 613.530.4676

Email: stokes@cmc.ca

CMC Microsystems, a not-for-profit organization, has been working with researchers in universities for many years.  Using funds from NSERC, CFI, user fees, and other sources, they assist with R&D in the area of microsystems (microelectronics, embedded systems, photonics, MEMS, embedded software). CMC has been involved in research commercialization, but in the last few years they’ve significantly ramped this up.  They offer products and services to develop proof of concept prototypes and some modest funds they can invest in partnership with academic entrepreneurs and their technology transfer offices. If you know of a commercialization initiative that could use their services (essentially help in designing, manufacturing, and testing custom, proof of concept integrated circuits and associated systems) please contact Peter.

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